Accessibility Plan



As of January 1, 2012:
1. All requirements under the CSSR


 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Establish policies, practices & procedures that address:

  • the principles of independence, dignity, integration & equality of opportunity
  • the use of assistive devices
  • communicating with persons with disabilities
  • the use of service animals
  • notice of temporary disruptions
  • feedback process
  • training
  1. Create a Customer Service Standard Policy that addresses the requirements established in the CSSR

Customer Service Standard Policy

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]



  • training people who deal with the public
  • training people involved with policy development
  • records of when training provided
  • records of who has been trained
  1. Provide on-going training to people who deal with the public
  2. Provide on-going training to people involved with policy development
  3. Maintain records of who has been trained and when training was provided

Customer Service Standard Policy

CSSR training

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]

On-going CSSR training as needed


Documents required by the CSSR:

  • notice of availability of polices upon request (on website or other high-traffic area)
  • documents provided in alternate format
  1. Post notice at all reception locations on GCA premises and on GCA's websites that GCA's policies are available, upon request
  2. Provide the documents that are required by the CSSR in alternate formats, upon request

Customer Service Standard Policy

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]


Reporting requirements:

  • file a report annually or as the director may specify
  1. File report by December 31, 2012
  2. File report by December 31, 2014
  3. File report at such other times as the director may order

Customer Service Standard Policy

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]

On-going compliance to ensure reporting requirements are met

2. Employment Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Establish a policy regarding workplace emergency response information:

  • prepare and provide individualized emergency response information for employees with disabilities who may need help in an emergency

  • seek the employee's consent and share the information with anyone authorized to help the individual in an emergency

  • ensure that individualized workplace emergency response information requirements are in place which include reviewing the information when:

  1. the employee changes work locations;

  2. the organization reviews its overall accommodation needs; and

  3. the organization reviews its emergency response policies.

  1. Create a Workplace Emergency Response Information Policy that addresses the requirements set out in the Employment Standard (IASR)

  2. Create individualized workplace emergency response information for each employee with a disability who may need help in an emergency

  3. Review the information when:

    1. the employee changes work locations;

    2. the organization reviews its overall accommodation needs; and

  4. Review GCA's emergency response policies

Workplace Emergency Response Information Policy

Individualized workplace emergency response information

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]

On-going compliance to ensure that individualized workplace emergency response information is kept up-to-date

3. Information and Communication Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Emergency Information:

  • emergency and public safety information must be made accessible to individuals with disabilities, upon request

  • work with the individual requesting the information to figure out how to meet their needs, as soon as possible.

  1. Create a Emergency Information Policy that addresses the

  2. Information and Communication Standard requirements GCA must fulfill

  3. Make emergency and public safety information available in an accessible format, upon request

  4. Provide emergency and public safety information as soon as possible

Emergency Information Policy

January 1, 2012 [COMPLETED]

As of January 1, 2014:
1. General Requirements under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Establish accessibility policies:

  • statement of commitment

  • accessibility policies

  • statement of commitment and accessibility policies are made available to the public

  • follow-up: accessibility policies must be kept up-to-date

  1. Create a Statement of Commitment

  2. Create AODA Accessibility Policies

  3. Make Statement of Commitment and AODA Accessibility Policies available to the public

  4. Review AODA Accessibility Policies on an [ANNUAL BASIS]

Statement of Commitment

AODA Accessibility Policies

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


Establish a multi-year accessibility plan which outlines how the organization will:

  • meet its accessibility requirements under the IASR

  • address any current barriers to accessibility

  • prevent and remove future barriers

Create a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan which outlines how GCA will meet its
accessibility requirements under the IASR, address any current barriers to accessibility and prevent and remove future barriers

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


Accessibility plan follow-up:

  • the accessibility plan must be reviewed and updated every five (5) years

  1. Review and up-date Multi-Year Accessibility Plan every five (5) years

  2. Ensure GCA continues to meet its accessibility requirements under the IASR

  3. Address any current barriers to accessibility and prevent and remove future barriers

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

January 1, 2019


Accessibility plan is made available to the public:

  • accessibility plan must be posted on organization's websites or another public location

  • information must be given to all who ask for it

  • accessibility plan must be available in an accessible format

  1. Post Multi-Year Accessibility Plan on GCA's website and [LOCATION]

  2. Provide Multi-Year Accessibility Plan to individuals, upon request

  3. Employ assistive technology to assess website and web content

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

January 1, 2014

2. Information and Communication Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Establish accessible website and web content:

  • If an organization launches a new public website or its existing site undergoes a significant refresh, the site and any of its web content published after January 1, 2012 must conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A

  1. Ensure that GCA website and web content posted after January 1, 2012 conform to WCAG 2.0, Level A

WCAG 2.0, Level A compliant website

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


Assess website and web content:

  • automatic assessments

  • manual assessments

  • assistive technology

  1. Conduct automatic assessments of websites and web content

  2. Conduct manual assessments of websites and web content

  3. Employ assistive technology to assess website and web content

WCAG 2.0, Level A compliant website

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


An organization must make its website accessible by:

  • providing captions and text alternatives for images and multi-media

  • using a strong contrast between text and background

  • creating content that can be presented using assistive technologies without losing meaning

  • using structured content which is keyboard accessible

  • avoiding CAPTCHAs and giving users enough time to read and use content

  • avoiding the use of time limits when asking users to provide a response or information

  • avoiding blinking images

  • helping users avoid and correct mistakes

  • making table accessible

Ensure that GCA website and web content posted after January 1, 2012 conform to the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level A

WCAG 2.0, Level A compliant website

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


Test new or refreshed site:

  • ensure that GCA's website and web content conform to the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level A

  1. Test GCA's website and web content to ensure that GCA's website and web content conform to the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level A

WCAG 2.0, Level A compliant website

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]


Follow-up: must keep new or refreshed site accessible:

  • website must continue to meet WCAG 2.0, Level A requirements

  1. Review WCAG 2.0, Level A guidelines on an annual basis to ensure that GCA's website and web content conform to the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level A

WCAG 2.0, Level A compliant website

January 1, 2014 [COMPLETED]

On-going compliance to ensure website and web content meet WCAG 2.0, Level A

As of January 1, 2015:
1. General Requirements (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date



  • training on the IASR requirements that apply to the organization's business

  • training on the organization's obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code

  • training must be provided to all employees, volunteers, individuals involved in developing the organizations' policies and anyone who provides goods and services on the organization's behalf

  • follow-up: provide ongoing training when new employees begin or when accessibility policies change

  • keep records of the number of people who were trained and when they were trained

  1. Create a Training Policy which outlines the steps GCA will take to fulfill the requirements of the IASR (Working Together: The Code and The AODA)

  2. Provide ongoing training when new employees begin or when accessibility policies change
    3) Maintain records which detail who was trained and when they were trained

Training Policy

IASR and Ontario Human Rights Code training


On-going IASR and Ontario Human Rights training

2. Information and Communication Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date



  • must be able to receive and respond to feedback from customers, employees and members of the public who have a disability, when asked

  • mechanisms for receiving feedback must be in an accessible format

  1. Create a Customer Service Standard Policy for Monitoring Feedback

  2. Accept complaints, suggestions and/or compliments in a variety of formats

  3. Invite customers to provide feedback on the way GCA provides goods and services to people with disabilities in the following ways:

    1. in-person

    2. by telephone

    3. in writing

    4. by email

    5. GCA website

GCA Customer Service Standard Policy, s. 6.6 (Monitoring Feedback)

Accessible feedback initiatives

January 1, 2015 [COMPLETED]


As of January 1, 2016:
1. Employment Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Provide information to employees which details:

  • the organization's policies for supporting employees with disabilities

  • follow-up: organizations must tell new employees about their policies for supporting employees with disabilities and also tell all employees when policies are changed

  1. Create an Employee Information Policy which details GCA’s policies for supporting employees with disabilities

  2. Provide the Employee Information Policy to all employees

  3. Inform new employees about GCA's policies for supporting employees with disabilities and also inform all employees when policies are changed

Employee Information Policy

January 1, 2016 [COMPLETED]


Establish processes to accommodate employees by:

  • developing individual accommodation plan for employees with disabilities which outline:

  1. the accommodation plans the organization will provide

  2. how the organization will help its employees stay safe in an emergency

  3. how and when the organization will review the individual accommodation plans

  1. Create an Individual Accommodation Plan Policy which details the steps GCA will take to fulfill the requirements set out in the Employment Standard (IASR)

  2. Ensure that all individual accommodation plans are developed following a clear and consistent format

Individual Accommodation Plan Policy

Individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities

January 1, 2016 [COMPLETED]


Review and follow-up of individual accommodation

  • ensure that individual accommodation plans are kept up-to-date

  1. Ensure that all individual accommodations plans are updated, as necessary

Individual Accommodation Plan Policy

January 1, 2016 [COMPLETED]

On-going compliance to ensure individu accommodation plans are kept up-to-dateal

2. Information and Communication Standard (IASR)

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesDue Date


Establish accessible formats and communication supports by:

  • assessing the information that is provided to the public (e.g. websites, newsletters, email and brochures)

  • making the information accessible, upon request (e.g. by recreating in a different format)

  • providing the information as soon as possible to individuals who request it

  • informing the public that the information will be made available upon request

  1. Create an Accessible Formats and Communications Supports
    Policy which details GCA’s policies for ensuring that information that is provided to the public is
    available in an accessible format, upon request

  2. Post notice on GCA’s website that all information that is provided to the public is available in an accessible format

Accessible formats and communication supports

formats and communication supports

January 1, 2016 [COMPLETED]


By January 1, 2021:
1. Information and Communication Standard

 RequirementActivitiesDeliverablesCompliance Date


Ensure that websites and web content are accessible:

  • all public websites and all web content published on public websites after January 1, 2012 must conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA

  1. Assess GCA’s website and web content

  2. Ensure that GCA’s website and all of its web content published after January 1, 2012 conform to the WCAG 2.0, Level AA

  3. Test GCA’s website and web content

WCAG 2.0, Level AA compliant website

January 1, 2021 [COMPLETED]