
18+ Yrs

Person Directed Planning Without Implementation

Person Directed Planning helps support and empower autistic adults to begin putting their life goals and future achievements into action.

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Person Directed Planning Without Implementation  $625

  To be discussed

  To be determined based on need

  1 to1

  Community-based, Virtual

Creating Meaningful Life Goals and Building Support Networks

Person Directed Planning Without Implementation


Person Directed Planning (PDP) helps support and empower Autistic adults (aged 18+) to begin putting their life goals and future achievements into action.  Our facilitators work with participants and the support network of their choice in identifying social connections and community resources tailored to meaningful life goals.  Whether it be cultivating personal strengths and achievements or exploring educational, vocational and community-based opportunities, we will follow your lead and work with you to identify a path to success!  

Program benefits:

  • Participants learn about available opportunities and resources in their community
  • PDP helps to nurture personal strengths and interests
  • The program helps identify the formal and informal support needed to achieve goals
  • Participants will receive a comprehensive planning document that outlines goals, support networks, community connections, and available resources

This program is suitable for:

  • Adults aged 18 and above.
  • Individuals seeking support to create and pursue their life goals and dreams.
  • Participants interested in building a network of people to help plan for their future.


This service is available for a fee or free through the DSO. To access the service through the DSO, please enroll with your local DSO.


Please Note: Our fee-based service does not include implementation. A plan without implementation does not include staff support related to goal implementation. Once a PDP plan and document are created, informal supports such as family members and community members can be used to help facilitate goals.


For more information, please reach out to our program coordinator