Ready, Set, Learn
Building Foundations for School Success
The Entry to School Program is intended to help children who are about to start Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time. It consists of two phases. The first phase is a group-based, skill-building program that can last up to six months. This phase focuses on helping children develop school-readiness skills in communication, play/social interaction, functional routines, behavioural self-management, pre-academics, learning, and attention.
After completing the group-based part of the program, children will move on to the second phase, which provides individual transition support as they enter school. Families and educators can also seek consultation services from Entry to School Program staff as needed during a child’s first six months in school.
This program is funded through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) and offered at our centre, with registration through the Toronto Autism Services Network (TASN).
Program benefits:
- Fun, play-based group program
- Builds school readiness skills
- Morning or afternoon options are available
- Classroom-wide consultation from BCBA, Speech Language Pathologist, and Occupational Therapist
- Consultation with families and educators provided as needed for the first six months of school
Eligibility criteria:
- Your child is between the ages of three and six
- Your child is entering kindergarten or grade one for the first time
- Your child has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Are registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
- Have received an invitation to participate in the program from Access OAP